showing 26 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagsdescription
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion  2K Games (Bethesda Game Studios)2006 achillesheelfoes adv-static ancientenemy arcanepunk arena atlastmoment automap autosavepoints backstabbing ballistics beggars blackmarket blocking books bows bribing capacity-weight castle chargedattack chemistry cipherlang circadiancycle city clairvoyantpursuers containers corpselooting criminalactivity customclass dark-limited demonicinvasion demons demons-other devotees difficulty-charscaling dimensionalbreach dimensionalportals dimensionaltravel divinemenace elderscrolls elves enchanting enemyupgrade excavation factions falldamage fame fantasyworld felinoids fictionaluniverse fines forest gamebryoengine genderchoice ghosts goblins guild havokphysics headswapping hell hellscape home humanoidanimals imprisonment inbuilttraps indicator-poi inherentright inventory itemdurability jewelry jumping lamp lawenforcers limitedcapacity locationinfo lockpicking lockpicking-feedback magic mandateofheaven medieval meleeweapons monastery mountain multilingual necromancers neutralnpcs nochildren noheadbob nonlinear npcinventory npcschedules obsoletedassets openclassing openworld optionaltasks orcs outlaws persistentworld precursors privatemilitarycompanies protagonistdesigning protagonistdesigning-face racechoice rats rodents roses-other ruins sauroids scavenging sciencefantasy serious sewers shields shopping shrine skeletons sorcery soundcues specialagentprotagonist specieschoice spelldesigning stamina statloss stealing stealth stealthmode subterranean summoning superalloy teleport temple titlementioned titularlocale trash trolls tutorial unarmedfighting undead unknownpast unnecessarykilling unvoicedprotagonist ursines vagrants waiting willowisps worldborder xboxclassics xp-literal zombies The fourth title in the best-selling Elder Scrolls series brings the RPG genre to new heights with its combination of freeform gameplay and cutting-edge graphics. Oblivion features a 3D engine that can render stunningly realistic environments, groundbreaking AI for all characters in the game, and the same open-ended gameplay style that has made The Elder Scrolls one of the most critically acclaimed franchises of all-time.

After the mysterious and untimely death of the Emperor, desperate factions vie for control of Tamriel's throne. With the empire ready to crumble, the gates of Oblivion open and demons march upon the land, laying waste to everything in their path. To turn the tide of darkness the player must find the lost heir to the throne and unravel the sinister plot that threatens to destroy all of Tamriel.


* Return of the Elder Scrolls. The sequel to the best-selling, role-playing game, The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.
* Live Another Life in Another World Gamers can create and play any character they can imagine, from the noble warrior to the sinister assassin to the wizened sorcerer.
* Next Generation Graphics Pixel-shader effects and high definition televisions are fully supported to create unprecedented visuals, including lifelike towns, dungeons and the most realistic forests ever created in a game.
* First Person Melee and Magic An all-new combat and magic system brings first person role-playing to a new level of intensity where you feel every blow.
* Radiant A Groundbreaking AI system gives Oblivion's characters full 24/7 schedules and the ability to make their own choices based on the world around them. Non-player characters eat, sleep and complete goals all on their own.
* Realistic Characters Features over 1,000 non-player characters who come to life like never before with facial animations, lip-synching and full speech. They even engage in unscripted conversations with each other.
* Open-Ended Game Play; Short Challenges The enormous world of Oblivion is open, allowing players to explore at their own pace. Players will encounter shorter challenges such as fighting bandits, mixing potions, and creating magic along the way to unraveling the main quest.
Mass Effect Microsoft Game Studios (BioWare)2007 2180s 22ndcentury aaa achievements adv-ptdistr aimassist aliens ancientenemy antivillain apocalyptic assaultrifles battleaura book bossbattles cacophonicvoice cassandradilemma charactercreation chargers chekhovsgun city classbased combatautoloot containers courtesans coversystem cpplanguage cyborgs damageovertime dataexport dialog-keywords dialog-stance dialogwheel difficulty doors doubleentendres driving elevators eliteprotagonist encyclopedia energyshields epic eviloverlord extraterrestrial fallbackweapon fictionalelement firstcontact flyingjellyfish future genderchoice group group-leader group-subset hacking handguns healingitems heroprotagonist humanoids humansuperiority hypermobilefoes ineptveteran insectoids interactivedialogs interfacespoilers interplanetarytravel interstellartravel inventory itemgenerator itempickup-auto itempickup-global jumppack lostcity machinecivilization magic-somatic map masseffect-series megastructure militantprotagonist militaryfiction mindcontrol minigames multipleendings multipleworlds multispeciesorganization nationalism naturalleader newgameplus nojumping obsoletedassets openended otherworld overheating peopleresources perchararelations phlebotinum physx plantcreatures precisionrifles precursors prejudice prospecting protagonistdesigning protagonistdesigning-face psychics racism-speciesism radar ragtaggang rating-esrb-m redeemingbeatdown researchfacility restorepower robotmenace robots rogueai romance ruins scientists selfcensorship sentientmachines sentientplants sequelhook sex sexindustry shieldregen shopping shotguns skipnoninteractive socketables sorcery spacecraft spacecraft-location spacefaringage spacelanes spaceopera spacestation specialagentprotagonist speciesequipment spiderbots starfishaliens stormtroopereffect subclassing suicideattackers technomagic thedestroyer toxins tutorial universallanguage unlikelysentients unlimitedammo unrealengine3 upgradesystem viciouscycle walkers walking weaponcustomization wintery xp-deeds xp-kills xp-progress xp-shared xp-shared-global labelimageminimize
Alone in the Dark  Atari (Eden Games)2008 achillesheelfoes actionadventure aloneinthedark amnesia backported bellyofawhale blinking capacity-slots city-newyork-ny collapsingstructure dark darkfantasy dimensionalbreach driving firearms forest fullbodyawareness havokphysics healing-active improvisedweapons insectoids inventory investigatorprotagonist judeochristianmythology kynapse lamp langmandarin light limitedcapacity meleeweapons monsters museum naturaldisasters nohud northamerica npcspawning pyrrhicvictory satan savepoints sciencefantasy serious shadows survivalhorror thermalweapons unorthodoxweapons wildfire zombies labelimageminimize
Dead Space Electronic Arts (EA Redwood Shores)2008 2410s 26thcentury aaa achillesheelfoes acrostictext actionadventure alientechnology amalgams ammomagazines anatomicdamage arcwords asphyxiation augmentedreality beamweapons biogrowth bodyhorror bossbattles capacity-slots capacity-toolslots carnographic chargingweapons cipherlang cliffhanger clingers comic compositefoes damagemodeling dark deadengine deadspace dementia derelict diegeticui disclaunchers dismemberment elevators energyweapons engineerprotagonist erraticfoes everyonesdead extraterrestrial firearms flamethrowers future giantmonsters glowsuits gore grotesque gunclubbing hospital hud-explained hyperenemies industrial-setting infestation insaneprotagonist inventory inventory-supplies isolatedlocale itemglow juggernauts lamp lasersight limitedcapacity locationaldamage loot-random loot-unexpected meteoroids middleagedprotagonist monsters monstrouschildren movie mutants nocrosshair npcgenerators obligation openended otherworld outbreak plasmaweapons powertools publictransit quicktimeevent rating-esrb-e researchfacility savepoints scientists sequence-turret serious sessilecreatures shopping silentprotagonist silentvoid slobbery spacecraft-location spacefaringage spacesuit splittingcreatures stomping stranded suicide survivalhorror technomagic tentaclecreatures thermalweapons tinyfoes traproom unarmedfighting uncertainending upgrades-capacity upgrades-health upgrades-permanent upgradesystem weaponupgrades whispers zero-g Set in the cold blackness of deep space, the atmosphere is soaked with a feeling of tension, dread and sheer terror. In Dead Space , players step into the role of engineer Isaac Clarke – an ordinary man on a seemingly routine mission to fix the communications systems aboard a deep space mining ship. It is not long before Isaac awakes to a living nightmare when he learns that the ship's crew has been ravaged by a vicious alien infestation. He must fight through the dead silence and darkness of deep space to stay alive.
[EA [newsletter]]
Resident Evil 5  Capcom2009 achillesheelfoes actionadventure africa airboat ammomagazines assaultrifles autosavepoints biotechnology bodyarmor bodyhorror bossbattles capacity-slots capacity-stacks companion containers cooperation crocodilians diaries difficulty dissolvingitems distortedvision doors earth elevatorbattle elevators explosiveobjects firearms gianthumanoids giantmonsters grenadelaunchers grenades grenades-impact grotesque handguns hatchers havokphysics healingitems humanexperiments insectoids inventory investigatorprotagonist itemglow keys knives ladders latemodernperiod limitedcapacity limitedsupplies locationaldamage loot-random loot-unexpected map monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-survival mtframework multilingual newgameplus objectiveindicator obligation obsoletedassets pain precisionrifles prematuredetonation present prologue quicktimeevent ragers recurringopponent redeemingbeatdown reload-manual researchfacility residentevil residentevil-main restorepower rewardingvandalism rockets ruins secretfacility sequence-turret serious shallowwater shopping shore shotguns speech-african stationaryattack stungrenades stunning stunprods submachineguns subterranean targetdesignator telescope tentaclecreatures thermalweapons town tutorial upgrades-permanent upgradesystem watercraft-location weaponupgrades wetland zombies One of the most popular Resident Evil titles comes to Xbox One in full 1080p HD with an increased frame rate. Featuring single-player and co-op modes and a dramatic storyline, this fully-loaded release includes all previously released DLC (Lost in Nightmares and Desperate Escape story expansions, Versus mode, extra figures and 4 costumes), and the previously PC-exclusive No Mercy mode, as well as the new mode "The Mercenaries United" which combines the two fan-favorite modes, The Mercenaries and The Mercenaries Reunion for an even more intense experience.***
Risen Deep Silver (Piranha Bytes)2009 1life 2hmeleeweapons achillesheelfoes adv-intermediary adv-objects adv-ptdistr adv-static alcohol altruism animals attrbasedeq autorun axes ballistics beggars blocking bludgeons bodyarmor bows canines capacity-unlimited cave chargedattack chemistry circadiancycle compass containers cooking corpselooting counterattacks coupdegrace crafting crepuscularrays criminalactivity crossbows defensebreaking depthoffield dialog-sentences difficulty difficulty-ingame displacementfiction dock dodging doors drugs dynamicweather enemyhealthdisplay energyitems falldamage fallimpact forest giantbirds graverobbing healingitems healingstations holstering humanoids inbuilttraps insectoids interactivedialogs inventory island itemglow jewelry jumping keys knockback lawenforcers ledges lockpicking magic magicrings maleprotagonist map mapdeficient medieval meleeweapons mockfights monastery monsters noenergyregen nohealthregen npcschedules obscuredtime obsoletedassets optionaltasks outlaws pickpocketing polearms potions premadeprotagonist projectilerecovery prospecting prostitutes quake quickkeys resting risen-series roadsigns ruins scavenging screenshake scrolls serious shallowwater shields shopping singlegenderopposition skeletons sorcery spears ssao staves stealing stealth stranded subterranean swords tages tasktracker thickvegetation threatdisplay titlementioned town trespassing tropic tunnels tutorial undead walking xp-deeds xp-kills xp-objects An epic story in an authentic world hand-crafted with an eye for detail and populated by "real", plausible characters. A Mysterious Volcanic Island The heavy tremors on the island bode ill for its inhabitants. Ancient temples have risen from the ground recently, bizarre creatures are terrorising the area. Fear and terror is spreading among the population. The End of All Hope? A group of powerful men who call themselves "The Inquisitors" have taken it upon them-selves to put an end to these events. They send an exhibition to this remote island, but a storm takes hold of the ship and destroys it at sea. A Hero Will Come - As if by a miracle, the player survives the shipwreck and is stranded on the volcanic island alone. He finds himself amidst a chaos of rebellion, tyranny and mystic rituals. He must now decide to which side the pendulum of fate will swing. labelimagesubject
Venetica dtp entertainment (Deck13 Interactive)2009 2hmeleeweapons adv-intermediary adv-ptdistr africa angelofdeath axes backstabbing beach bioluminescence birds blocking bludgeons bodyarmor books bossbattles butterflies cattle cave chargers chemistry chickens chiroptera circadiancycle city city-venice-it classless clothing compass corpselooting counterattacks crustaceans currency damageinfo damagetypes dark-limited dashing difficulty digging dock enemyhealthdisplay energyitems energyregen fantasticearth femaleprotagonist foraging ghosts giantcrustaceans healingitems healthdraining healthregen interactivedialogs inventory italy jewelry ladders lamp leveluprestoration lightbloom lives lockpicking magic magicrings map meleeweapons mine minimap monsters mountain necromancers ogre-engine optionaltasks orphanprotagonist outlaws palace parallelworld pathengine physx polearms potions premadeprotagonist prisonbreak publictransit quickkeys rating-pegi-16 rating-usk-12 ravens resting rewardingvandalism roadsigns rooftops saveanywhere scavenging secrets sewers shields shopping shovels skeletons skinning sorcery stealing stonecreatures sweepingstrikes swimming swords targetident tasktracker temple town toxins treasurehunt undead uniqueprotagonist unusualprotagonist watercraft-location xp-deeds xp-kills youngadultprotagonist labelimageminimize
Borderlands 2K Games (Gearbox Software)2009 aaa abominations achievements achievements-functional adv-ptdistr adv-static aimmode alienanimals ambush ammomagazines animals arid assaultrifles autoshotguns bayonets borderlands-series bountyhunting burrowers canyon capacity-slots cheapdeath circadiancycle clones clothdyeing compass containers crossworldcharacters damageindicator damagetypes deathpenalty deathworld difficulty-players driving dynamicaccuracy elevators enemyhealthdisplay energyshields energyweapons explosiveobjects falldamage fasttravel fasttravel-points firearms firstpersonshooter fofindicator freelancing gamespy grenades handguns healingitems healthpickups hillland insectoids inventory ironsights itemgenerator itemglow jumping knockback levelbasedeq leveluprestoration limitedcapacity locationaldamage loot-random lootemup map mercenaryprotagonist mpfocus mutants npcspawning nplayers objectiveclairvoyance objectiveindicator opponentpowerdisplay otherworld outlaws precisionrifles premadecharacters proceduralitemappearance pve reload-auto reload-manual revolverrifles revolvers robots rockets secondwind secrets serverbrowser shieldregen shopping shotguns socialnetwork spacewestern submachineguns town trampling tutorial unknownpast unrealengine3 upgrades-capacity vehicleflip vehiclepainting walking wasteland xp-deeds xp-kills xp-literal Latest version: 1.20 (as of ?)***As the first title in an all-new sci-fi action franchise, Borderlands combines the best elements of Gearbox Software's first-person action titles with player customization and vehicular combat. Borderlands features a unique content generation system allowing for near-endless variety in missions, environments, enemies, weapons, item drops and character customization. Borderlands is a cooperative experience, allowing for multiple players to share the same game experience simultaneously online. Players can freely join or leave each other’s games at anytime, or choose to play in the full single-player mode. Borderlands features life-like character animations, impressive real-time physics, and customizable vehicles. More details to follow. labelimagesubject
Dragon Age: Origins EA International (BioWare)2009 aaa activepause altcharfates autoattack axes blood-motif bloodmagic book bows camp castle characterbackground combatanimals darkisevil day1dlc deadondisplay demons difficulty difficulty-charscaling divineabsence dragonage-series dragons elves encyclopedia energyregen energyupkeep epic fightfirewithfire fortress graychoices group heroicfantasy interfacespoilers inventory jewelry mageslayers magic manaburn meleeweapons militantprotagonist monsterhunters monsters mutagen nudity-inhuman paperdoll perchararelations phlebotinum ragtaggang refugees romance rookieprotagonist ruins shapeshifters slobbery sluts socketables sorcery summoning swords thesoulless transformativecorruption witchhunters xp-deeds xp-kills xp-lockpicking As the spiritual successor to BioWare's "Baldur's Gate", one of the most successful role-playing games in the industry, Dragon Age: Origins represents BioWare's return to its roots, delivering a fusion of the best elements of existing fantasy works with stunning visuals, emotionally-driven narrative, heart-pounding combat, powerful magic abilities and credible digital actors. The spirit of classic RPGs comes of age, as Dragon Age: Origins features a dark and mature story and gameplay. Epic Party-Based Combat – Dragon Age: Origins introduces an innovative, scalable combat system, as players face large-scale battles and use their party’s special abilities to destroy hordes of enemies and massive creatures. Powerful Magic – Raining down awesome destruction on enemies is even more compelling as players apply "spell combos," a way of combining together different spells to create emergent unique effects. Players develop their characters and gain powerful special abilities (spells, talents and skills) and discover ever-increasing weapons of destruction. With its emotionally compelling story, players choose with whom they wish to forge alliances or crush under their mighty fist, redefining the world with the choices they make and how they wield their power. Players select and play a unique prelude that provides the lens through which the player sees the world and how the world sees the player. The player's choice of Origin determines who they are and where they begin the adventure, as they play through a customized story opening that profoundly impacts the course of every adventure. labelimagesubject
Gyromancer Square Enix (Square Enix;PopCap Games)2009 bejeweledtwist download fantasyworld fictionaluniverse forest inventory magic match3 medieval monsters mysticprotagonist obligation rating-esrb-t shariki-like tutorial visualmatching xp-kills labelimageminimize
Deadly Premonition  Ignition;Marvelous Entertainment;Rising Star Games (Access Games)2010 actionadventure addiction aimmode bludgeons capacity-slots chapterreplay chapters circadiancycle city clothing collectibles crates dartsgame detectivemystery difficulty discoloredblood dissolvingcorpses doors driving dynamicweather earth eccentricprotagonist elevatorbattle espionage explosiveobjects fatigue fauxserious fbi fictionalcity firearms fishing flamethrowers flashbacks flawedprotagonist forest handguns healing healing-instant healingitems hiding hospital hunger hygiene idlenoise improvisedweapons indicator-poi injuries insaneprotagonist inventory investigatorprotagonist itemglow knives lawenforcerprotagonist maleprotagonist map meleeweapons minigames monologues monsters nojumping objectiveindicator openworld optionaltasks paidkilling parallelreality paranormal playerstats precisionrifles present quicktimeevent rating-bbfc-15 rating-cero-d rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-18 rating-usk-18 reload-auto reload-manual resting retrypoints rewardingvandalism savepoints shopping shotguns singlesave smokes soukoban splatter stamina stationaryattack submachineguns survivalhorror swords thermalweapons town usa visions waiting walking xbydifferentname zombies From the UK game box :

[i]Welcome to Greenvale.

Uncover the truth of the Red Seed Murders and Greenvale's many deadly secrets as you delve deeper into this remote rural town where mystery and murder go hand in hand.[/i]
Brink Bethesda Softworks (Splash Damage)2010 adv-undefined aimmode arcology assaultrifles caricature city classbased controlpoints direct2drive firearms flyingcity grenades handguns idtech4 inventory ironsights jumping mines modularequipment motionblur mp-bots mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-undefined mpfocus multiplecampaigns objectiveindicator orangeblue parkour playerprogression precisionrifles protagonistdesigning pve pvp radialmenu resuscitation shotguns singlegender ssao submachineguns telescope tutorial tutorial-noninteractive vaulting walking xp-undefined labelimageminimize
Ancients of Ooga NinjaBee (Bacon Wrapped Games)2010 humanoidprotagonist inventory magic puzzleplatformer rating-esrb-e10 supernaturalprotagonist xblm labelimageminimize
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Konami (MercurySteam Entertainment;Kojima Productions)2010 apocalyptic bossbattles castle castlevania destiny divineabsence giantspiders goblinoids grapplinghook inventory oldfaith postcreditsscene puzzles rating-acb-ma15 rating-bbfc-15 rating-cero-d rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-16 reboot ropeswinging satan spectaclebrawler upgradesystem vampires werewolves whips xp-kills labelimageminimize
Dead Island Techland;Deep Silver (Techland)2011 3ormoreplayers adv-ptdistr aimassist alcohol assaultrifles axes bludgeons bonebreaking bossbattles burning capacity-slots chapters chargers chromeengine city collectibles containers controlschemes corpselooting coupdegrace cpplanguage crafting crafting-ammo crafting-sites crossworldcharacters dark-limited daylighthorror deadisland-series deadlywater deathpenalty decoys diaries difficulty-charscaling disarming dismemberment distortedvision dodging doors driving elitemobs endlessopposition enemyhealthdisplay explosiveobjects facebookconnect falldamage fictionallocation firearms forest genderchoice gore grenades handguns healingitems healthpickups healthregen healthregen-stunted honorablefoes hotel hud-dynamic improvisedweapons incendiarygrenades indicator-poi indicator-route interrupting inventory invisiblewalls island itemdurability itemgenerator itemglow karmiccreatures knives knockback knockdown laboratory ladders lamp levelbasedeq limitedcapacity locationaldamage lootemup map meleeweapons motionblur mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-dropin multiseaters music-hiphop neutralnpcs newgameplus noanimals nochildren npcasphyxiation npcinjuries nplayers objectiveindicator obsoletedassets oceania openworld opponentpowerdisplay optionaltasks outlaws pacificocean pain papuanewguinea playerstats premadecharacters priceinfo prison quickkeys radialmenu rage rating-pegi-18 repairing repulsion resort resourcetransfer resuscitation safezone scavenging scientists screenshake search searchedindicator sellundo shallowwater shopping shotguns shovels slobbery slowmotion soldiers splatter stomping stranded suicideattackers supermode survivalhorror swords targetident throwanything thrownweapons trampling tribals tropic unethicalscience valveanticheat walking waypoints weaponupgrades xp-kills xp-other zombieapocalypse zombies labelminimizeminimize
Dead Space 2  Electronic Arts (Visceral Games)2011 26thcentury aaa achillesheelfoes actionadventure arcwords asphyxiation assaultrifles augmentedreality biogrowth bodyhorror capacity-slots capacity-toolslots carnographic chargers chargingweapons childvictims cipherlang clingers containers dark deadspace deathfakers derelict diaries diegeticui difficulty direct2drive disclaunchers dismemberment doors doors-autoclosing energystations energyweapons engineerprotagonist extraterrestrial fanservice-tech flamethrowers future glowingeyes glowsuits gore graphicdeaths gunclubbing hallucinations healingitems hospital hud-dynamic hud-explained indicator-route industrial-setting infestation insaneprotagonist inventory inventory-supplies itemglow juggernauts jumpscares karmiccreatures lamp limitedcapacity limitedsupplies loot-random loot-unexpected lunatics mines monsters multilingual newgameplus nojumping npchiding objectiveindicator plasmaweapons postcreditsscene precisionrifles quicktimeevent rating-esrb-m recap recurrence-location redemption rewardingvandalism seamlessworld sequence-escape serialkey serious slobbery spacecraft-location spacefaringage spacestation spacesuit spawners spearguns splatter splittingcreatures stash stomping suicideattackers survivalhorror swarmers telekinesis temple train-location tripmines unarmedfighting upgradesystem visiblelasers walking whispers zero-g labelimageminimize
Torchlight Microsoft Game Studios (Runic Games)2011 2hmeleeweapons abilitycriticals achievements actionrpg adv-ptdistr adv-static amoeboids animateweapons arcanepunk armyofone attrbasedeq automap axes blankprotagonist bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bows capacity-slots capacity-stacks cemetery classbased companion containers criticalchance crossbows crystals demo demons diablolike difficulty dissolvingcorpses doors dualwielding dualwielding-asymmetric dungeon dungeoncrawler dwarves elitemobs enemyhealthdisplay energyitems energyregen explosiveobjects fasttravel-points fictionaluniverse firearms fishing gems giantspiders handguns healingitems humanoidanimals imps interactivetriggers inventory inventory-supplies itemgenerator itemglow itemidentification itempickup-auto itempickup-instant itemsets jewelry karmiccreatures knives knockback levelbasedeq leveluprestoration lighthearted limitedcapacity loot-random lootemup magic magic-held magic-instant magicrings magicweapons mapgenerator meleeweapons mimics mine minimap mode-hardcore monsters murinoids mutagen neutralnpcs nofailstate nohealthregen obsoletedassets ogre-engine optionaltasks paperdoll plantcreatures playerprofiles polearms portals precisionrifles presetmaps priceinfo projectilecutoff protagonistnaming pygmies pyrokinesis quickkeys quitsave rating-esrb-t recallportal restorativegluttony retrypoints rewardingvandalism robots ruins safepowers sauroids sciencefantasy shopping silentprotagonist singlesave skipnoninteractive smalldevicemode socketables sorcery stash stash-shared stationaryattack stylized subterranean subterraneanrealm suicideattackers summoning swords tilebased title-animated titlementioned tooltips torchlight-series town transformativecorruption tripeds undead unknownpast volcanic vorbis walking wands weefolk xblm xp-deeds xp-kills labelimageminimize
Rage  Bethesda Softworks (id Software)2011 aimmode ammotypes arid assaultrifles biogrowth boomerangs buggy bunker canyon capacity-unlimited charging city compass corpselooting crossbows crystals cyborgs deployables difficulty dissolvingcorpses doors driving earth elevators empgrenades empweapons endlessopposition energyweapons explosiveobjects falldamage fictionalelement fromanothertime future gambling gianthumanoids giants grenadecooking grenades gunclubbing handguns healingitems healthregen healthregen-fast hideout hospital humanexperiments idtech5 indicator-route interactivetriggers inventory invisiblewalls ironsights itemglow ladders locationinfo minigames minimap mobilebombs mutants neutralnpcs news nofriendlyfire nohealthdisplay npcinjuries objectiveclairvoyance objectiveindicator openended optionaltasks outlaws overkill playerstats postapocalypse powerplant precisionrifles prison quadbike racing radar rating-esrb-e rebellion refinery reload-auto reload-manual remotecontrol robots ruins safezone saveanywhere secondwind secretfacility secrets sewers shopping shotguns splatter stealth subway suicideattackers tasktracker telescope temporarycompanions thrownweapons town trampling unknownpast unusualprotagonist unvoicedprotagonist upgradesystem walking wasteland weaponupgrades labelimageminimize
Trine 2 Atlus (Frozenbyte)2011 3ormoreplayers actionadventure adv-ptdistr autosavepoints ballistics bioluminescence blocking bludgeons bows carnivorousplants castle charging collectibles colorful contrasted crepuscularrays deadlydecor disappearingplatforms dragons elasticsurfaces envcombat femaleprotagonist forest ghosts giantgastropods giantmonsters giantspiders goblinoids goblins grapplinghook hapticfeedback hintsystem indie instantkillers interactivetriggers inventory juggernauts jumppads launcher lethalobjects magic maleprotagonist meleeweapons minibosses mp-cooperative multikeyboard multipointer newgameplus physics playerexposition portals puzzlebosses rating-esrb-e10 rating-pegi-12 retrypoints ropeswinging rotatingplatforms scenic secrets shields sorcery stereoscopic subterranean swimming swords telekinesis thrownweapons titlementioned titularobject trine-series trineverse undead unlimitedammo vibrant voicechat walking wetland xblm xp-kills xp-objects labelimageminimize
Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition Microsoft Game Studios (Mojang;4J Studios)2012 3ormoreplayers achievements alarmers amoeboids anaglyphic animals asphyxiation axes bizarreenvironments blobshadows blockbased blocky bloodless bombs bows capacity-slots chasms chemistry children circadiancycle compass constructing crafting crafting-sites criticalchance customtriggers damageflicker dark-limited darkisevil deathpenalty destructibleenvironment destructibleworld difficulty digging dimensionaltravel dissolvingitems doors dragons drm drm-login drm-online dynamicweather ecosystems expandingmap falldamage fanfunding farming fishing flatterrain forest freesound giantfungi healingitems healthregen healthregen-moderate hitmoderation hunger indie insectoids inventory inventory-supplies itemdurability itemglow java jumping knockback lava limitedcapacity logicgates lwjgl mapgenerator mapgenerator-live minecarts minecraft-series monsters mp-crossplatform mp-ctf mp-dropin mycoids neutralnpcs nocampaign nofailstate noinvpause nostory npcasphyxiation openal opengl openworld openworldsurvivalcrafting periodicdangers persistentworld pickaxe platformreference portals potions prospecting rain repulsion sandbox serialkey shapedsprites shovels silviculture skeletons spiders spreadingvegetation ssao subterranean suicideattackers terraindeformation tilebased timepiece undead undefinedelements undirected voicechat vorbis walking wilderness wildlife xblm xp-kills zombies This is separately developed version of Minecraft that has no relation with the mobile nor PC version. labelimageminimize
Dust: An Elysian Tail Microsoft (Humble Hearts)2012 4thwallbroken airdash amnesia animateweapons anthropomorphicanimals anthroprotagonist bossmeter fnaxna inventory meleeweapons monsters optionaltasks rating-esrb-e10 rating-pegi-7 score sentientartefact swords titlementioned titularcharacter xp-deeds xp-kills labelimageminimize
Borderlands 2 2K Games (Gearbox Software)2012 aaa achievements achievements-functional alienanimals autoshotguns borderlands-series cheapdeath clones day1dlc deadondisplay difficulty-players fascism firearms firstpersonshooter guntossing gyrojets inventory klaatubaradanikto lootemup low-g monsters objectiveclairvoyance objectiveindicator ragers revolverrifles revolvers robots stylized unrealengine3 wilhelmscream labelimageminimize
Dead Space 3  Electronic Arts (Visceral Games)2013 24thcentury 26thcentury aaa airlocks alternateattack augmentedreality clingers cooperation crafting crafting-weapons cutsceneinvulnerability dark day1dlc deadspace diegeticui difficulty dismemberment dodging doors eldritchabominations electricweapons elevators energyweapons erraticfoes extraterrestrial falseprotagonist fanservice-tech firearms future giantmachine gore grotesque hallucinations healingitems hud-explained insaneprotagonist inventory itemglow keys knockback lamp lasthope mines monsters mp-cooperative newgameplus nofriendlyfire openended optionaltasks perplayerloot postcreditsscene puzzles ragers recap reload-lossy reload-manual rewardingvandalism screenshake selfsacrifice shotguns silentvoid space spacecraft-location spacefaringage spacesuit spacewalking spearguns splatter stomping suicideattackers teamawareness telekinesis tumbling undefinedelements universalammo upgradesystem walking weaponcombining weapondesigning zero-g labelimageminimize
South Park: The Stick of Truth  Ubisoft (Obsidian Entertainment;South Park Digital Studios)2014 acknowledgedsilence alienabduction aliens blocking bossbattles bows burning censorship childprotagonist children classbased cleargame damageovertime difficulty druggies drugs enemyhealthdisplay energyweapons fasttravel-points forest gore healingitems humor-blue humor-dark humor-toilet ignoredvandalism inventory itemglow koalas ladders levelbasedeq metafiction minigames namelessprotagonist nonsense nudity optionaltasks postcombatrestoration protagonistdesigning quicktimeevent racism-speciesism radialmenu randomdamage rating-acb-r18 rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-18 rewardingvandalism secrets sewers silentprotagonist simongame socketables southpark spacecraft-location splatter stash statuseffects titlementioned titularlocale titularobject town turnbasedcombat tutorial tutorial-forced uvl-tiein vagrants virtualsocialnetwork labelminimizeminimize
Stranger of Sword City  NIS America (Experience Inc)2014 charactercreation combatmode dungeoncrawler fromanotherworld genderchoice gridmove group inconsistentstyle inventory lostintranslation minimap origlang-japanese outlanderprotagonist senioritychoice specieschoice tauntingloot uvl-workingtitle labelminimizeminimize
Risen 3: Titan Lords Deep Silver (Piranha Bytes)2014 1life abilitycooldown actionrpg adv-intermediary adv-ptdistr aircontrol alcohol alligators ambientcreatures animals apples armwrestling asymmetriccreatures autorun autosavepoints bananas beach bigcats bioluminescence birds blackpearls blocking bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles capacity-unlimited cave chapters chargedabilities chargedattack chargers chemistry circadiancycle containers cooking corpselooting counterattacks crafting crafting-sites crepuscularrays crocodilians crossbows crystals currency damagetypes dark-limited dashing demons depthoffield dialog-sentences difficulty difficulty-ingame dock dodging doors druids ducks enemyhealthdisplay environment-animate factions falldamage fasttravel fasttravel-points finiteopposition firearms fish flying foraging forest fruits fungus-mushrooms genderdiscrepancy giantcrustaceans giantinsects giantspiders gnomes goblinoids goblins golems gorillas handguns headswapping healing healingitems healingstations healthregen herbs holstering hostilewildlife insectoids insects interactivedialogs interrupting intimidation inventory island itemglow itemglow-manual itempickup-normal jewelry jumping jungle karma keys knockback ladders lamp lava lightbloom lockpicking lostpowers lostresources magic magic-sigils magic-somatic magicrings maleprotagonist map meleeweapons middleagedprotagonist mine minigames minimap monsters mystics namelessprotagonist neutralmonsters nochildren noshoprestocking npclooting npcschedules npcstrife obscuredtime openworld optionaltasks outlaws parrots parrying persistentworld physx pickaxe pickpocketing pirateprotagonist pirates plethoraofreferences potions powerups premadeprotagonist primates prospecting rating-pegi-16 rebornprotagonist recipes recipes-mandatory recurrence-character resting risen-series rp-levelless ruins safepowers sauroids saveanywhere scavenging scenic scrolls seamonsters serious sex shapeshifting shopping shore shotguns skeletons skinning sorcery spectres speedtree spiders stealing stealth stealthmode subterranean summoning swimming swords targetident targetlock tasktracker telekinesis teleport temporarycompanions testudines threatdisplay throwingknives thrownweapons town traps treasurehunt trespassing tropic unarmedfighting undead vendortrash volumetriclighting voodoo walking walkingarmory wasteland watercraft watercraft-large watercraft-location watercraft-small waterfalls wetland wilderness wildlife woundless xp-deeds xp-kills Piranha Bytes, the creators of Gothic and Risen, return to their origins with a new, classic RPG. Risen 3: Titan Lords pulls the player in to a hand-crafted role-playing world full of rugged charm where every decision changes the course of the story. Risen 3: Titan Lords is set for release in August 2014 for the Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft and for the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system as well as Windows PC.

The key element of the cult Gothic series as well as Risen is the vivid world and the freedom to explore it. The world of Risen 3: Titan Lords will be diverse, authentic and full of life, providing the player with an authentic, classic RPG experience.

"Like a carpenter with a hand-crafted piece of furniture, we put together the story, the characters and the landscape until it all fits and the player has the possibility to discover things all around the place. You can try out and find things that others might not. Exploration is the key to our game", says Bjoern Pankratz, Project Lead at Piranha Bytes.

The world of Risen 3 is abandoned by all gods and suffers from the Titan Wars when a new threat rises from the soil. A young warrior is attacked from the shadows and deprived of his soul. He sets off to reclaim what is lost amidst the darkness that is spreading throughout the world. The banned Mages could be powerful allies on his quest. To get their help, he needs to find the Mage sanctuary on Taranis, also known as the Island of Thunder. Protected by the Guardians, the Mages search the mines of Taranis for crystals loaded with magic energy. Will the player join the Guardians to get in contact with the Mages? Or will he choose one of the other guilds in Risen 3 to reach his goals?